Sunday, August 2, 2009

Speak in English and Filipino with Kindness

Language is a very important communication tool. It helps us be united in every thing that we do.
Here in the Philippines, we are using two major languages, that is the Filipino and the English language. Filipino as we all kn ow is our national language. It is used all over the country and it is really having a very big role for us Filipinos.The language Filipino breaks the barriers between the cultural differences of the citizens.With this language, Filipinos can easily express their emotions and instincts. Another language that we are using is the international language which is the English. This language is used globally.With this very useful language, Filipinos will not only be competitive but a very globally competitive one.A working knowledge of English had been made as a requirementy in many fields.Some linguists also recognize that one impact of this language is that it is used to reduce native linguistic diversity and its huge influence continues to play an important role in language attrition. We may not be a very good speaker with this language but what is important is that we can express our thoughts and feelings, when the languages are used with kindness. It maybe hard to practice these languages at first but when you are used to it, surely you'll be more socially accepted.
There are many important things that these languages may bring to us, so we must not only practice it but use it with kindness.